Archive for PS2 Reviews

REVIEW: Wrath Unleashed

Wrath Unleashed (also for X-Box) is an Archon-esque mix of board game strategy and action-based battles (genre-mates include: The Unholy War for PS1 and Dark Legions for DOS). Wrath Unleashed is pretty unambitious (taking spells and units from Archon), but fun enough—despite button-mashing, exploitable combat.

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REVIEW: Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

I was certain to like Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. I’m a freak for the hack-n-slash genre (Alien Syndrome for PSP being a favorite) and I’ve always liked Fallout. Some say Brotherhood of Steel is old hat, with systems yanked verbatim from Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance. But the concept of hack-n-Fallout is so solid it’s impossible for Brotherhood of Steel to fail its unambitious mission.

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REVIEW: Blood Will Tell


As Willy will tell you, I am a big fan of Japanese comics, or manga.  I’m sticking my hand out now, and laying it on a wall of literally 1,000 graphic novels.  I even have a secret website dedicated to said hobby, though this website is probably more secret than that one is.  Among all this, there is Osamu Tezuka, who people will tell you is the “God of Manga.”  Some of what he’s done has been published in English, and certain series are more “Godlike” than others.  The three-volume series Dororo was published last year, a kid’s series published in the late 60s, and the manga that this game is based on.  Now, what would make a grown person want to play a game based on an obscure kid’s comic from the 60s?  Especially since most licensed games are crap.  … continue reading this entry.